Check out our new and improved format at http://www.momdotcom.net or feel free to search the archives for info!
101 Halloween Ideas http://www.101halloweenideas.com/hal..._ideas_01.html
Halloween Printable Coloring Pages, Ideas, and Activities http://www.billybear4kids.com/holida...en/party-p.htm
Printable Flag Carving Pattern http://www.yankeehalloween.com/flagpattern.html
More Printable Carving Patterns http://www.spookmaster.com/pumpkin-c...s-freebies.htm
Recipes for Fake Blood http://www.shades-of-night.com/larp/blood.html
Carving Tips, Printable Carving Patterns, Recipes, and More http://www.pumpkinmasters.com/
Pattern and Instructions for Scarecrow Lolipops http://www.christiancrafters.com/treat_scarecrow.html
Pumpkin Carving 101 Class http://www.pumpkincarving101.com/
Screensavers, Email Backgrounds, Fun Letters, and More http://thundercloud.net/seasonal/halloween/
Halloween Fonts http://www.acidfonts.com/halloweenfonts1.htm
Downloadable Copies of Old Horror Films http://thesync.com/features/
Halloween Recipes http://kraftfoods.com/kf/ff/Hallowee...oween+Main.htm
Halloween Crafts, Recipes, Tips, Learning Lessons, and More http://homeschoolzone.com/pp/halloween.htm
More Halloween Recipes http://recipesource.com/holiday/halloween/
All Kinds of Printables including Paperdolls and Crosswords- (this is a jam packed website!) http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/pumpkinave/
Hershey's Trick or Treats http://www.hersheys.com/trickortreats/downloads/
Safety Tips for Halloween http://www.halloween-safety.com/
Halloween Projects from HP http://h71036.www7.hp.com/hho/html/7706-0-0-39-121.html
Carve a Virtual Pumpkin http://www.primarygames.com/holidays...ving/carve.htm
Halloween Online Magazine http://www.halloweenonlinemagazine.com/
Online Halloween Cookbook http://www.halloweenkitchen.com/
Template for Printable Halloween Stickers http://www.kidprintables.com/stickers/halloweenpage.gif
Face Painting Instructions http://www.facepaintingdesigns.co.uk/index.html
Have you ever smelled a pine scented candle, and became instantly reminded of the first time your family got a "live" Christmas tree? How about an cinnamon stick reminding you of hot chocolate with your grandmother on a cold snowy day? Scents are greatly tied to our memories, and a wonderful way to sit back and reminisce about "the good old days."
Here are some inexpensive scented holiday decorations that just may remind you of something you had thought was long forgotten. :)
Freebies & Fun
Free sample of Cheer True Fit
Free sample of Alice Woodrum's Shaping Spray
Free National Lampoon DVD ~ Black Ball
Free sample of Crystal Light from Quality Health
Free sample of Gillette Fusion Balm from WalMart
Free sample of Pepcid Complete from WalMart
Free DVD about Work-At-Home scams from the US Postal Service
Free "Step up & play more" kit for you and your pet
Free Near East recipe booklet
Free sticker pack and a sweeps entry for a free ski trip
Win a T.M.X. Elmo
I know, I know- we were just talking about Halloween, but really, Thanksgiving is right around the corner!
Thanksgiving dinner and decorations don't have to cost a fortune, and spending the day with those you love is priceless. It's the company that matters, the rest is just.... errr..... gravy (pardon the pun).
Let's start with some inexpensive holiday crafts that will make excellent decorations for your home or Thanksgiving table!
Clay Pot Turkey
Easy Dried Apple Crafts
Easy Autumn Wreath
Straw Hat Scarecrow Craft
Freebies & Fun
Free Zippo lighter from Marlboro (US)
1-800-MARLBORO Promotional code: MAR3881
Free Stretch Island Fruit Leather sample ~ Code: WM05
Free mousepad
Free sample of Triple EFX Ice
Free Christmas Printables
$2.50 coupon for CoverGirl Advanced Radiance
Quiznos Coupons and Promos
Redbook Sweepstakes
Win a Family Getaway from Snyder's of Hanover
Halloween is right around the corner and our cameras will be clicking...
We all go a little crazy when it comes to taking photos of our loved ones. If you are an avid scrap-booker, the cost of your photo habit may easily become astronomical.
There are ways to trim the cost of picture development, though. By utilizing the following strategies you’ll be a frugal photographer in no time.
Read the rest of the article here: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/74781/tips_for_saving_money_on_photograph.html
Do you have a tip? Please share it in the comments section.
Freebies and Fun
FREE Sample of Cottonelle Flushable Moist Wipes http://www.samsclub.com/shopping/navigate.do?catg=7903
FREE Sample of Senseo Coffee Sumatra Blend Sample http://www.senseotrial.com/
FREE Sample of Reach Access Flosser http://www.samplereachaccess.com/sampling/sample.htm?cid=drtv000001&Accept=Accept
FREE Sample of Barkeepers Friend http://www.barkeepersfriend.com/sample.html
(Business Freebie) FREE 2007 Calendar from Zerox http://www.office.xerox.com/perl-bin/response.pl?53365
FREE Sample of Nivea http://walmart.triaddigital.com/defaultrendercontent_ektid8814.aspx
FREE Sample of Basis Soap http://walmart.triaddigital.com/defaultrendercontent_ektid8840.aspx
FREE Sample Of Pork Chomps Dog Treats http://click.email-publisher.com/maafh3YabucNCboazwobaeQxXI/
Admit it, you are a freebie queen.
Proof of this lies in the cabinet and boxes full of samples, coupons, and contest wins. In fact, in a few days, you’re afraid you’ll no longer be able to walk through your home without wading through a bucketful of free stuff.
Girlfriend, it’s time.
Time to clear through those irresistible promos and clear out some of those “must haves”! Here’s a few ideas to inspire and get you started on the path to freebie-freedom:
Read the rest of the article here: http://www.clubmom.com/display/265411?fromPage=219949
Do you have a tip to share on how to maximize or organize your freebies? Please share it with us in the comments section.
Freebies and Fun
DEAL: Free Shipping at Eddie Bauer, Enter Code SHIPPING at Checkout http://www.eddiebauer.com
RED HOT DEAL: 80% off Mini-Cabbage Patch Dolls at Amazon (Hurry! These will not last long!) http://www.amazon.com/s/104-8006924-6632719?ie=UTF8&search-alias=toys-and-games&field-brandtextbin=Winway%20Corp%20Ltd
87% off Pem America Zurich Comforter Set (Queen, King, Cal King) at Amazon http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000BVC4W0/ref=nosim/bigbigforums-20
FREE Sample of Noxzema Triple Clean Blackhead Cleanser https://noxzemasamples.offerprocessingcenter.com/
FREE Sample of Folgers Coffee https://folgersgourmetselections.offerprocessingcenter.com/?source=[meijer]
FREE Bookmarks, Decals, and Stickers from Give Kids Good Schools http://www.givekidsgoodschools.org/site/apps/ka/ec/category.asp?c=llKUL5MUIwG&b=2025115&en=deJBIJOuGaJFKPPiF3JHIRNxEoJRITOqGfJQLRMoEaIPL7K
FREE Sample Jergens Shea Butter http://www.jergens.com/event/default.asp?action=entry&eventcode=emo-omail&hookid=3
FREE Sample of Celestial Seasonings Tea http://www.celestialseasonings.com/index.html
FREE Sample of Joico 3 in 1 Shampoo http://joico.com/html/np_triple_efx_form.php
FREE Sample of StoPain Spray http://www.stopain.com/?ParentId=8&Content=FreeSample
Winterize your home.
"You'll get a full season's worth of savings, comfort and peace of mind by
taking a few steps now to get your home ready for cold weather."
Full Article:
Freebies & Fun
Free Estroven PM sample
Free QuitAssit stop smoking guide
Free Celestial Seasonings tea sample
Free Noxema Triple Clean Blackhead Cleanser sample
Free breast self-exam shower card
Free Swiffer Duster sample and $2.00 coupon
$1.00 off Bush's Home-style Chili
$3.00 off Refresh Dry Eye Therapy
$5.00 off Vital Radiance
Pine-Sol Thanksgiving Dinner Sweepstakes
Win enough Dunkin' Donuts coffee for a year
Dial Fall into Savings Sweepstakes
DEAL: Buy one, get one 1/2 off at Payless Shoes http://www.payless.com/
COUPON: Free Appetizer at TGI Fridays http://echo.bluehornet.com/clients/tgifriday/survey.htm
FREE Sample of Habanero H.O.T Sauce http://www.hotexas.com/freesamples.htm
FREE Sample of Nicorette Fruit Chill Gum http://walmart.triaddigital.com/Brands/gsk_nicorette_fruitchill.aspx
FREE Clif Bar Training Kit http://www.clifbar.com/play/marathon_reg.cfm?location=register
FREE Sample of Grisi Cosmetic Creams http://www.biosaludecologia.com/english/cons_muestras/cons_muestras.htm
FREE Subscription to Off-Road Adventures Magazine http://www.4wheelpartsadventures.com/freeSubscription.asp
FREE Trial Issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine https://secure.hearstmags.com/subforms/cos/cos_hm020.cfm?cds_response_key=QEXS007
COUPON: FREE Bath & Body Works Mentha Lip Balm With Any Purchase at Bath & Body Works http://www.bathandbodyworks.com/emailSignup/index.jsp?clickid=header_email
FREE Sample of Lysol Sanatizing Wipes http://www.lysol.com/promos/sanitizing_wipes.htm
I like free catalogs. I like to browse through the pages and think about how neat it would be to have that throw blanket in my living room, or that cutlery set in my kitchen. I rarely buy anything from the catalogs I flip through, but it's fun to imagine.
Catalog shopping is the ultimate window shopping, considering you don't even have to leave your couch! If you have restraint, it's frugal, too. :)
Enjoy this selection of free catalogs, and happy browsing!
- Polka Dot Toys
http://store.mypolkadots.com/toys-pretend-play.html - Magic Cabin
http://www.magiccabin.com/magiccabin/catalog/catalog.asp - Walter Drake
http://www.wdrake.com/catalog_request.aspx - Hickory Farms
http://www.hickoryfarms.com/shop/cat_request.asp - Montgomery Ward
http://www.wards.com/wards/register.asp?PID=&partner=12&SID=&NID=&HID=&RID=&CMB=&CP=00&pp=yes&afsrc=1 - Dr Fosters & Smith pet care catalog
http://www.drsfostersmith.com/catalog/index.cfm - Collections Ect
https://collectionsetc.com/catalogRequest.aspx - LL Bean
http://www.llbean.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ShowCatReqIndex?storeId=1&catalogId=1&langId=-1 - Gardens Alive!
http://www.gardensalive.com/catalog_request_qas.asp?bhcd2=1161175334 - J.Crew
http://www.jcrew.com/pages/getCatalognew.jhtml - Lakeside Collection
Freebies & Fun
Free Jewish Holiday Calendar
Free Chiquita Banana Bites sample or $1.00 coupon
Free sample of Bar Keepers Friend
Free 1 year subscription to Child Magazine from Start Sampling
6 Free issues of Bridal Guide from Start Sampling
Free issue of Redbook Magazine from Start Sampling
Free Olive postcards
Here's ten savvy ways to save money on movie rentals, purchases, and outings http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/70252/ten_ways_to_save_money_on_movies.html
Be sure to let us know what you think by leaving a comment or rating. This is the first article on Associated Content and we're very curious to find out if you find the information useful.
Freebies and Fun
FREE Sample of PRIA Grain Essentials™ Orchard Apple Cinnamon Crisp http://www.startsampling.com/sm/20802/captureAddress.iphtml?item=20802&source=EDIETS
FREE Gift Certificates and other Prizes, Play at NetWinner for Fun and Win (legit game, can take a little bit to accumulate points, but the game is fun and the prizes are sent promptly- enjoy!) http://www.netwinner.com/?signupCode=sharpsburgmom
FREE Subscription to Antiques Magazine
FREE Sample of NouriFusion MultiVitamin Skin Care http://freenourifusion.com/default.html
FREE Sample of Healing Garden Organics Wild Honey Body Lotion http://survey.email.coty.com/SensorPro/survey/TemplateBlankRun.aspx?SurveyId=cb34a847-d131-41df-8ab5-91c7ad8cfec4&PageId=8f0c514a-a2a4-4af7-8d50-4926d40871c6&Ox=coty
FREE Sample of Folgers Coffeee http://walmart.triaddigital.com/Brands/pg_folgers.aspx
OFFER: Do you have a Tween? Sign Up for a Chance to Test a New Cell Phone https://www.tweencellphones.com/
FREE Bowl from BeechNut (requires signing up for their newsletter) http://www.beechnut.com/bowl/
Pie! With the holidays around the corner, and fall firmly in place, thoughts of hot, freshly baked pies cooling on the kitchen counter fill my head on a daily basis . Who wouldn't want a fresh piece of apple or blueberry pie smothered in vanilla ice cream or whipped cream? Mmmmm.
Many people are intimidated by the thought of making their own pie crust, but nothing on he market comes close to a really good homemade crust. Is your crust tough? Or crumbly? These tips will help you get that tender flaky crust each and every time you make your family's favorite pies:
- Think cold! Everything associated with making your crust should be kept as cold as possible up until the time you use it. The bowl, your pastry cutter, everything that can be chilled, should be chilled. Warm dough gets sticky. Sticky dough requires more flour. More flour means a tough crust. Be sure to refrigerate your crust, as well, before working with it.
- The fat in your pie crust is critical if you like a flaky crust. The key is to not have your "shortening" melt before it gets into the oven. Chill your shortening, or butter, 15 minutes in the freezer before you add it to your crust recipe. This will produce the flakiest pastry.
- After mixing, you want your crust to still be a little crumbly. If the fat has warmed too much, your dough will be sticky. Place it in the freezer for 15-20 minutes before you begin working with it. If your crust is too dry, it will crack when you roll it. sprinkle with drops of ice cold water onto your crust until it is the right consistency.
- Remember! Try not to overwork your pie crust dough. This will result in a tough crust. The less handling, the more tender the finished product will be.
Happy baking!
Freebies & Fun
Free Fit & Fresh Chilled Shaker when you send a recipe
4 free rolls of Kodak Film for photographers
Free Simple Start Diabetes & Food DVD and Booklet
Free sample of Healing Garden Organics body lotion
Free Powerbean Coffee sample
Betty Crocker coupons, save up to $9.35
Free "Mood" pencils
$1.00 off Scott Brand Products
With a rare October snowstorm in the Northern US today, it reminds me that nature really is unpredictable. Can we be better prepared for nature's wrath? Sure. Winter is right around the corner, we should all be as prepared as we can be for the first storms of the season.
- Keep extra bottled water on hand
- Have flashlights, candles, and a battery operated radio on hand
- Be sure to have plenty of batteries for the radio and the flashlights. ;)
- Keep rock salt and deicer on hand
- Keep foods in your house that can be eaten without electricity
- Check your snow shovels, and/or be sure your snow blower is in good working order
- If you live in an area that is plagued by winter storms, consider a space heater that runs on a fuel source other than electricity.
- Before the winter hits hard, access any dangerous trees on your property, and if they pose a threat to your house, consider removing limbs, or the entire tree if deemed necessary
- Have crafts and games available to entertain the family while the power is out, this can be a real lifesaver. lol
If you are 100% ready, with no worries or concerns, a snow day is a great excuse to drop the daily "routine" and enjoy the time you have with your family.
Freebies & Fun
Free Pledge Wipes
Free fresh mozzarella recipe booklet from Sorrento
Free Remifemin sample
Free Home Depot Workshops
Free subscription to LogHome Living (FreeBizMag)
Free We Kids stickers
Free Dove Cool Moisture sample
Free Purina Naturals Cat Food sample
Free Mesothelioma Information Kit
Free Sunsilk Sample
Free St Ives Mineral Therapy sample
Free Space Camp DVD
Free Exposed DVD from Kodak
FREE Sample of Folgers http://walmart.triaddigital.com/Brands/pg_folgers.aspx
FREE Sample of Viactiv http://walmart.triaddigital.com/Brands/jj_viactiv.aspx
FREE Sample of Sunsilk http://startsampling.com/sm/19381/captureAddress.iphtml?item=19381&source=SunsilkRMIC
FREE Fall Gift Pack from Clean Home Journal http://www.cleanhomejournal.com/offers/O4K75/?hs225=chj&hs227=46
FREE Sample of Cheer True Fit http://www.cheer.com/truefit/en_US/
FREE Sample of Playtex Sport http://www.playtexsport.com/
FREE Greetings from The White House http://www.whitehouse.gov/greeting/
FREE Sample of Fibersure http://fibersure.com/noflash.shtml
FREE Sample of Bee Pollen http://www.pollenpower.com/
FREE Sample of Claritin Redi-Tabs http://www.claritin.com/cla_sample.aspx
Still in the midst of a state to state move here, but things are finally slowing down a bit. Hopefully I'll be able to get out and enjoy the fall colors this week and be back around more frequently :) Thanks to Maureen for keeping the blog going so smoothly!
Also, thanks to blog reader, Karen, who came out to the GA book signing. It was so wonderful to meet one of our online friends!
Hugs to all!
Thought for Today ~ Halloween!
Maureen's pumpkin posts have really put me in the mood for some Halloween fun, so in honor of this spirited holiday, here's a lengthy list of Halloween Freebies and Fun:
101 Halloween Ideas http://www.101halloweenideas.com/halloween_ideas_01.html
Halloween Printable Coloring Pages, Ideas, and Activities http://www.billybear4kids.com/holidays/halowen/party-p.htm
Printable Flag Carving Pattern http://www.yankeehalloween.com/flagpattern.html
More Printable Carving Patterns http://www.spookmaster.com/pumpkin-carving-patterns-freebies.htm
Recipes for Fake Blood http://www.shades-of-night.com/larp/blood.html
Carving Tips, Printable Carving Patterns, Recipes, and More http://www.pumpkinmasters.com/
Pattern and Instructions for Scarecrow Lolipops http://www.christiancrafters.com/treat_scarecrow.html
Pumpkin Carving 101 Class http://www.pumpkincarving101.com/
Screensavers, Email Backgrounds, Fun Letters, and More http://thundercloud.net/seasonal/halloween/
Halloween Fonts http://www.acidfonts.com/halloweenfonts1.htm
Downloadable Copies of Old Horror Films http://thesync.com/features/
Halloween Recipes http://kraftfoods.com/kf/ff/Halloween04/Halloween+Main.htm
Halloween Crafts, Recipes, Tips, Learning Lessons, and More http://homeschoolzone.com/pp/halloween.htm
More Halloween Recipes http://recipesource.com/holiday/halloween/
All Kinds of Printables including Paperdolls and Crosswords- (this is a jam packed website!) http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/pumpkinave/
Hershey's Trick or Treats http://www.hersheys.com/trickortreats/downloads/
Safety Tips for Halloween http://www.halloween-safety.com/
Halloween Projects from HP http://h71036.www7.hp.com/hho/html/7706-0-0-39-121.html
Carve a Virtual Pumpkin http://www.primarygames.com/holidays/halloween/carving/carve.htm
Halloween Online Magazine http://www.halloweenonlinemagazine.com/
Online Halloween Cookbook http://www.halloweenkitchen.com/
Template for Printable Halloween Stickers http://www.kidprintables.com/stickers/halloweenpage.gif
Face Painting Instructions http://www.facepaintingdesigns.co.uk/index.html
Let's continue talking pumpkins, shall we? Whether you carve your pumpkin, paint it, or just set it outside your door, nothing says fall like pumpkins on the porch.
Don't know what to do with your pumpkin this year? Wondering how to make your entire house festive for fall? Here are a few resources to get those creative juices flowing this fall season:
Freebies & Fun
Win a Dooney & Bourke bag from Creme Savers
Free mini subscription to The Nest magazine
30 pounds of Clementines, free
$40.00 Amazon or iTunes GC for participating in a tax study
Free Nexxus Therappe sample
Free Senseo Coffee Pod System (offer is live again, so if you missed it last time, try again! :))
Free 4lb bag of Purina One
call 1-866-559-7387 or visit https://secure.purinaone.com/?CMP=BAC-ONE-
Wal*Mart Frozen — The Thrill of the Chill on October 7, visit a participating Wal-Mart Supercenter from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for an Ice Age The Meltdown recipe book and tasty samples.
Free Polly Klaas Back to School Safety Kit
Printable Pilsbury coupons
Pepperidge Farm Instant Win Game
Win a Year's supply of Pedigree Super Chew Dog Food & get a $2.00 off coupon
Ahhh, Fall is in the air. Cool, crisp evenings, apple pie, and pumpkin carving. Speaking of pumpkins, here are some sure fired ways to pick the perfect pumpkin for your fall decorating needs.
- Be sure your pumpkin has no mold anywhere on it, especially around the stem.
- Avoid pumpkins with scratches and/or dents.
- Knock on your pumpkin to be sure it has a nice "full" sound.
- Sit your pumpkin upright to be sure it is nice and level.
- Look for nice, even color before you choose your pumpkin.
- If you are picking your own pumpkin, a pumpkin that is ready to be picked will have a dried, somewhat brittle stem that is easy to remove from the vine.
- Store your pumpkin in a cool dry place until you are ready to carve it.
Look for more pumpkin tips in future blog posts. :)
Freebies & Fun
Free Colgate Spin Brush for kids
Free Sunsilk Styling Product with purchase
Join the Good Housekeeping Product Tester Panel
Nestle Crunch online instant win game
$3.00 off Bertolli Dinner for Two
$1.00 off 2 bags of Wonka Candy
Join Vogue's Talking Style Panel
Free Mad Cow Button samples
Free ring tones and wallpapers from Tone This
Free Backyard Conservation Poster
Free Showtime Preview 10/6-10/9 & Sweepstakes
We are always looking for ways to save money, and think that unless we can put away a huge chunk at one time, what is the point? The point is, the little things really add up! Something as simple as picking one day a week that you will not spend money can add up to big savings over time. Bring your lunch to work, pass on that Starbucks coffee, or make your own iced tea and skip that over priced Snapple. Start a "Spend Nothing" day this week and watch your savings add up!
Freebies & Fun
Free box of True Lemon
McCormick Spices recipe booklet
Call 1-800-632-5847 Automated #3
Free copy of The Flu: What Women Need to Know
Garnier Rewards
Free daybook for women
Free Revolon Vital Radiance sample
$1.00 off Nestle Refrigerated Cookie Dough
Sally Beauty printable coupons
$5.00 off KY Sensual Silk Personal Lubricant
Free sippy cup from Juicy Juice
Free Eucerin Redness Relief sample
Halloween is just around the corner. October 31st will be here before we know it, and ghosts and goblins will be knocking at the door. Check here for lots of Halloween do-it-yourself ideas that won't break the bank this season!
Freebies & Fun
Free Child Abuse Awareness ribbon
Free "My Child's Health" notebook from Prevacid
Free Jiffy Mix recipe booklet with new camping recipes
Free Maybelline Pure Make-up sample
Join The Semi-Homemakers ™ Club, and get free copies of Semi-Homemade web magazine and more!
Sun-Maid Raisins Fruit & Sunshine recipe booklet
Sun-Maid New Taste Traditions recipe booklet
Sun-Maid Healthier Eating recipe booklet
Sun-Maid Family Favorites recipe booklet
Free pet rescue sticker from the ASPCA
Free G-U-M Rincinol sample
Free 5lb bag of Lassie dog food
A car is one of the biggest investments a person can make in their lifetime, and repairs can be costly and frustrating. Consider purchasing an extended warranty to help pay for things after your standard warranty has expired.
Unsure of how to buy an extended warranty? Never fear, this site should help!
Freebies & Fun
Free Fibersure sample
Free Eucerin Intensive Repair Foot Creme sample
Free Always Clean sample
Free 2007 Roadsides in Bloom calendar
Free "Soup for Life" booklet from Campbell's
Free appetizer from Romano's Macaroni Grill
Free Reynold's Parchment Paper sample
Free "Teens & Money" Package
Free 5lb bag of Lassie Dog Food
Free magnifier when you join Quality Health
Free Child Identification Kit