Thanks for you kind notes, I'm glad you are enjoying the pictures I was able to snap and share. I wish I had the opportunity to catch a few more, but I'll be listing some of my favorite authors I missed capturing on film in the next day or two for you.
Also, thanks for asking to see a pic of me, but alas, as I was behind the camera, there's not a whole lot of those... still curious... just visit my author website where you'll see my smiling mug. The picture on the front page was taken about two months ago at a BooksAMillion book signing for The Mom's Guide to Earning and Saving Thousands on the Internet.
So, without further adieu...

If you haven't read any of Rachel's fun, sassy romances, I suggest you either begin with Daisy's Back in Town or her latest release, Sex, Lies, and Online Dating. Very enjoyable reads!
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